Friday, September 17, 2004

The Art of being Anonymous

The Internet offers people what they like to do the most: Comment, review and critique anonymously. While this is a great way to express your true opinion without fearing an act of retribution while participating in politically sensitive discussions, it also serves as a really poor way of disguising oneself in many others.

Anonymous posting allows people to make personal attacks without having to face the response for their words. This sounds great because here you are venting all your anger, jealousy and what not about somebody without him or her ever knowing who it was. The only problem though is that by doing so, you get to be the greatest jerk in the world. He is a true man or she is a true woman, who faces up to his or her thoughts, actions and words. By posting anonymously, the poster assumes that he or she is the more intelligent person whereas, in reality, he or she is the fool because words assume no significance without the conviction and support of the user.

The reason I thought of this at this juncture was an interesting and thoroughly amusing personal comment on my blog which I just received from a so called "Anonymous" person(I like to think of them as cowards). He or she was meticulous enough to point a lot of things to me, good and bad (some very definitely useful I have to say) but did not have the guts to say who they were. That took away all the good from the comment since I cannot take advice from someone, who himself or herself needs a lot of it.

With blogging becoming huge and discussion boards mushrooming all over the internet on every possible and impossible topic in the world, it is a good time for all of us to pause and think.
Are we such weak people that we cannot accept and own up to our very own words ?
By hiding beyond the convenient confines of the Anonymous realm, are we in fact, hiding from our very own insecurities and fears ?

"Cogito, ergo sum"

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